Welcome to Advanced Seating

Compassionate care, Reducing the risk’s and increasing the quality of life for the Client


We supply a full range of Seating Matters Therapeutic wheelchairs for nursing homes, Hospitals, palliative care and caring for the elderly at home. 

Each chair is custom to the clients needs so the chair fits the person and helps to reduce the risks to the client and those caring for them.

Therapeutic Seating

Therapeutic seating is for users with reduced mobility or reduce sitting balance who require comfort and support to help reduce the risks.


The Sorrento™ Bariatric has been designed to accommodate those with increased body weight and physical size.


Our cushions and face masks are avialble to buy online.

Paediatric Seating

The Paediatric Seating has been designed to accommodate children who require postural support and comfort.

The Denver ™

Is a Therapeutic mobility chair is a clinically designed chair for elderly patients who require assistance but want to keep their independence at home or in a nursing home.


Milano Therapeutic Wheelchair

The Milano™ Therapeutic Wheelchair is a clinically designed with elderly care or nursing care in mind. This high quality Therapeutic seating system will add comfort and reduce risks for the client and Care staff.

For more information on all our chairs please call

+353 21 482 6013
